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Save Money and the Environment: Why Repairing Appliances is the Sustainable Choice

Appliance repair-defrost system issue
Article of Serge, a local appliance technician from Ottawa, ON. Serge Appliance Repair.

Are you tired of constantly replacing your household appliances? Not only is it a drain on your wallet, but it’s also harmful to the environment. In a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, repairing appliances is the smart and eco-friendly choice. You can save money, reduce waste, and contribute to a greener future by fixing your washer, fridge or dishwasher rather than replacing it. This article will explore the benefits of repairing appliances and how they align with sustainability principles. 

The Environmental Impact of Appliances

Appliances have a significant environmental impact throughout their lifecycle. The household appliances market is expected to grow at a growth rate of 4.30% from 2021 to 2028.
Appliances contribute to carbon emissions, energy consumption, and waste generation from the extraction of raw materials to the manufacturing process and eventual disposal. Whenever you discard a broken appliance and purchase a new one, you’re contributing to this cycle of environmental degradation. Repairing appliances helps break this cycle and reduce the overall environmental impact.

Repairing appliances reduces the demand for new devices, meaning fewer manufacturing resources are needed. It also reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, electronic waste is one of the fastest-growing waste streams globally, with only a small percentage being recycled. You can help minimize electronic waste and conserve valuable resources by repairing appliances instead of replacing them.

Additionally, repairing appliances helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The production of new appliances requires energy coming from fossil fuels. By extending the lifespan of your appliances through repairs, you can reduce the need for further production and the associated carbon emissions. Repairing appliances is a simple yet effective way to impact the environment positively.

The Financial Benefits of Repairing Appliances

Apart from the environmental benefits, repairing appliances can save you significant money in the long run.

Repair costs are typically lower than the cost of purchasing a new appliance. A skilled appliance repair technician can diagnose the problem and fix it at a fraction of the price of a replacement. In many cases, simple repairs can extend the lifespan of an appliance by several years, saving you from the expense of buying a new one.

Furthermore, repairing appliances can help you avoid the hidden costs of new appliances. When you buy a new machine, you may need to pay for the old appliance’s delivery, installation, and disposal. These additional costs can quickly add up and eat into your budget. You can avoid these extra expenses and keep more money in your pocket by opting to repair instead.

In summary, repairing appliances benefits the environment and provides significant financial savings. It’s a win-win situation that allows you to reduce waste and cut costs simultaneously.

The Importance of Extending the Lifespan of Appliances

In a society that often values the latest trends and upgrades, extending the lifespan of appliances may seem counterintuitive. However, it is crucial for achieving sustainability. The longer an appliance functions appropriately, the more value it provides regarding resource conservation and waste reduction.

Appliances are designed to have a certain lifespan, but that doesn’t mean they can’t last longer with proper care and maintenance. By taking care of your appliances and addressing any issues promptly through repairs, you can extend their lifespan and maximize their value.

Extending the lifespan of appliances also means reducing the frequency of replacements. This, in turn, reduces the demand for new appliances and the associated environmental impact. By making a conscious effort to keep your appliances in good condition and repair them when necessary, you’re actively contributing to a more sustainable future.

Moreover, extending the lifespan of appliances can also save you money in the long run. The longer an appliance lasts, the longer you can avoid the cost of purchasing a new one. This financial benefit, combined with the environmental impact, makes extending the lifespan of appliances a compelling reason to prioritize repairs.

To ensure you’re getting the most out of your appliances, it’s essential to understand common issues and their repair options. Let’s explore some of the most common appliance problems and how you can address them through repairs.

Common Appliance Issues and Their Repair Options

Appliances can experience various issues, from minor malfunctions to more significant problems. Understanding these common issues and their repair options can help you make informed decisions when fixing your appliances.

What are the most expensive repairs which make the repair too expensive?

Motor.  Motors can wear out over time, leading to issues with the appliance’s functionality.
A dishwasher stops when its main (wash) pump motor is faulty. Unfortunately, the repair cost will be too expensive (about $600) and is worth only for high-quality brands.

A refrigerator motor  (compressor) replacement is a costly repair, too. The LG company repair service is one good example of solving this problem. They provide low-cost repair services for LG fridges, including the compressor issue.

Another common problem is a malfunctioning control board. The control board is the brain of the appliance, responsible for regulating its various functions. When the control board malfunctions, it can cause the machine to stop working or behave erratically. Using an electronic control board became essential for improving appliances’ performance and energy saving.

On the other hand, the main board is often expensive. Take the refrigerator, for example. The old-fashioned fridges have different controls for temperature, defrost system, light, fan and compressor. Thus, you can replace one of the controls when broken. In the modern electronic refrigerator, all controls are on the main board. Therefore, you have to replace it altogether. Fortunately, some universal and less expensive mainboards have been invented and are available on the market.

Leaks are also frequent with appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers. A leaking appliance can cause water damage to your home and lead to further complications. Repairing leaks promptly is essential to prevent further damage and ensure the device functions properly.

When faced with these common appliance issues, it’s important to consider repair options before jumping to the conclusion that the appliance needs to be replaced. Consulting with a professional appliance repair technician can help determine the best action and save you from unnecessary expenses. Read my previous article: Expert advice: When to repair or to replace your washing machine? For more examples and advice.

Tips for Finding Reliable Appliance Repair Services

When repairing appliances, finding a reliable and skilled repair service is essential. Not all technicians know how to fix modern intelligent devices. Here are some tips to help you find a trustworthy appliance repair technician:

1. Seek recommendations: Ask friends, family, or neighbours if they have had positive experiences with appliance repair services. Personal suggestions can be valuable in finding reliable technicians.

2. Read online reviews: Check online review platforms to see what other customers say about different repair services. Look for technicians with consistently positive feedback and high ratings.


3. Verify credentials: Ensure your chosen appliance repair technician is licensed, insured, and certified. These credentials are indicative of their expertise and professionalism.

4. Inquire about warranties: Ask if the repair service offers any guarantees on their work. A warranty can give you peace of mind, knowing that the technician is behind their repairs.

5. Get multiple quotes: Obtain quotes from different technicians before committing to repair service. Comparing prices and services can help you make an informed decision.

By following these tips, you can increase the likelihood of finding a reliable appliance repair service that meets your needs and provides quality repairs.

DIY Appliance Repair: Pros and Cons

While professional appliance repair services are highly recommended, some individuals may prefer a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to save money or fix things themselves. It’s important to consider the pros and cons before embarking on DIY appliance repairs.

One of the main advantages of DIY repairs is the potential cost savings. You can avoid labour costs associated with professional services by repairing appliances yourself. Additionally, some minor repairs can be relatively simple to perform with the help of online tutorials and guides.

DIY repairs also provide an opportunity for personal growth and learning. You can gain a sense of empowerment and independence by acquiring basic repair skills. Moreover, fixing minor issues alone can save you time and inconvenience, as you won’t have to wait for a technician to schedule a visit.

However, DIY repairs also have their fair share of challenges and risks. Appliances can be complex machines, and attempting repairs without the necessary knowledge and experience can lead to further damage or safety hazards. In some cases, DIY repairs can void warranties or insurance coverage, leaving you responsible for any future issues.

It’s important to assess your abilities and comfort level with DIY repairs before attempting them. If you’re unsure or dealing with a complex issue, it’s generally safer to enlist the help of a professional appliance repair technician. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and fix problems accurately, ensuring the safety and functionality of your appliances.

How to Properly Maintain and Care for Appliances to Prevent Repairs

Prevention is always better than cure, which also holds for appliance repairs. By implementing proper maintenance and care practices, you can reduce the likelihood of breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your appliances. Here are some tips to help you maintain your appliances:

dryer duct clogged

1. Read the user manual: Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s instructions for operating and maintaining the appliance. The user manual often contains valuable information on maintenance routines and troubleshooting.

2. Clean regularly: Regular cleaning helps remove dirt, dust, and debris that can accumulate and affect the performance of appliances. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning specific parts and components.

3. Check and replace filters: Appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners often have filters that need regular cleaning or replacement. Clogged filters can hinder performance and increase energy consumption.

4. Avoid overloading: Overloading appliances, such as washing machines or dishwashers, can strain their components excessively and lead to premature wear and tear. Follow the recommended load capacities to avoid unnecessary stress.

5. Use appliances as intended: Ensure you use them according to their intended purpose. Misusing or using them for tasks not designed for them can lead to damage and potential safety hazards.

6. Schedule professional maintenance: Periodically have your appliances inspected and maintained by a professional technician. They can identify potential issues and perform preventive maintenance to keep your appliances in optimal condition.

By following these maintenance practices, you can minimize the need for repairs and keep your appliances functioning efficiently for longer.

The Role of Manufacturers in Promoting Appliance Repair and Sustainability

While repairing appliances is a sustainable choice, manufacturers also play a crucial role in promoting repairability and sustainability. Unfortunately, some manufacturers prioritize planned obsolescence, designing appliances that are difficult or impossible to repair. For example, you can’t replace the bearing for some washing machine models without purchasing an expensive washer’s drum complete. Manufacturers use low price factor to push customers to buy a new appliance. At the same time, the appliance quality is going down. The appliance often should be renewed after 3-5 years of exploitation. Meanwhile, old appliances continue working at 15-20 years old.

However, a growing movement is toward promoting repairability and sustainability in appliance manufacturing. Some manufacturers are starting to design appliances with modular components that can be easily replaced, reducing the need for complete replacements. They are also making repair manuals and spare parts more accessible to technicians and consumers.

Legislation and consumer demand can also drive manufacturers to prioritize repairability. Manufacturers are compelled to adapt their practices as consumers become more aware of the environmental impact of appliances and demand repairable products. Advocacy groups and organizations are pushing for Right to Repair laws, requiring manufacturers to make repair information and parts available to consumers and independent repair technicians.
The LG refrigerator compressor problem is an example of a worldwide problem that led to
a class action against LG Electronics Canada.

The appliance industry trade association is the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM), representing manufacturers of major, portable, and floor care home appliances and their suppliers throughout the U.S. and Canada. They developed Sustainability Standards for all mainstream appliances. Those standards include such parameters as materials, energy consumption during use and others but not repairability. Manufacturers must provide spare parts for a longer period as well. Long waiting periods or discontinuity of the parts make the repair impossible. When you buy home appliances, choose local and Asian manufacturers such as Whirlpool, GE, Samsung, and LG. Call the local appliance technician (Serge Appliance Repair Ottawa and Gatineau) and ask about repair costs and the availability of spare parts for the brand you will buy. Read my new article, “How to get the best price for appliance repair in Ottawa,” where I share my experience.

By supporting manufacturers who prioritize repairability and sustainability, consumers can send a powerful message and encourage further positive change in the industry.

The Future of Appliance Repair and Sustainable Living

As sustainability becomes increasingly important, the future of appliance repair looks promising. Consumers are becoming more conscious of their environmental impact and the benefits of repairing appliances. This increased awareness drives demand for repair services and encourages manufacturers to prioritize sustainability.

Advancements in technology and the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) are also likely to shape the future of appliance repair. IoT-enabled appliances can provide valuable data and diagnostics, allowing technicians to identify issues remotely and offer more efficient repairs. This technology can also help consumers monitor their appliance’s performance, detect potential problems, and schedule maintenance proactively. Most of electronic appliances display an error code helping to identify the appliance problem. You can find the error code in the manual or the fabricator’s website. Example: LG error codes library.

Furthermore, the sharing economy and the concept of circular economy are gaining traction. Instead of owning appliances outright, individuals can opt for appliance-sharing or subscription-based services. In this model, the responsibility for repairs and maintenance lies with the service provider, reducing waste and encouraging more sustainable practices.

Overall, the future of appliance repair is moving towards a more sustainable and consumer-centric approach. With technological advancements and changing consumer preferences, repairing appliances will likely become more accessible and environmentally friendly.


Repairing appliances offers many benefits, both for your finances and the environment. You can save money, reduce waste, and contribute to a greener future by choosing to repair instead of replace. Repairing appliances helps minimize electronic waste, conserve resources, and reduce carbon emissions. It also provides significant financial savings by avoiding purchasing new appliances and additional expenses.

To make the most of appliance repairs, it’s important to prioritize the extension of their lifespan through proper care and maintenance. Additionally, finding reliable appliance repair services or considering DIY repairs can help address common issues effectively.

Manufacturers also have a role to play in promoting repairability and sustainability. By supporting manufacturers prioritizing sustainability and repairability, consumers can drive positive change in the industry. Spare parts are usually unavailable and hardly available for European brands, so choosing local manufacturers of home appliances is prioritized.

As we look forward, appliance repair will likely become more accessible and sustainable. Advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences will shape how we repair and maintain our appliances.

So, the next time your appliance breaks down, consider the sustainable choice: repair it. By doing so, you’ll not only save money but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Any questions? You can ask or leave a comment.

Serge, technician of home appliances. Home page.

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